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Kerala Builders & Developers

WinTouch Builders Pvt. Ltd.

This is the place where you can find some of the finest homes or villas in Kasaragod. The growing network of loyal clients has boosted …

WinTouch Builders Aramana Arcade Bank Road, Kasaragod, Kerala.


CM Builders & Developers comprise a group pf talented architects & experienced work force , being led by a management with a vision and 25 …

Pilakkandi plazza A.V.K. Nair road Thalassery, Kannur Kerala, India

Thodupuzha Builders and Developers Pvt Ltd

Thodupuzha Builders & Developers was formed by a group of young, energetic enterprenours having international experience with a common vision to provide quality accommodation suitable …

No. 20/371-G, 1st Floor, Chemparathy Building, Muthalakodam, Thodupuzha, Idukki-685584

Ajees Group

Ajees Group- one of the front line players in the segment of Residential Apartments. They are a committed team of professionals and skilled laborers share …

Ajees Group c/o Panjos Builders C-3104, IInd Floor Jawaharlal Nehru International Stadium Cochin - 682 017, Kerala

Fastline Builders

The fast line builders concentrate on fast buildings construction and strong relation with clients. We have experience for more than 27 years and strong backup …

Casa Marina Complex, Talap Kannur, Kerala 670004.

Partha Builders

Partha Builders believes that a home is to live, love and feel the beauty of shelter for a long, long time. We are strong willed …

Soubhagya Complex, Pallikkunnu, Kannur, Kerala-670004

Sadananda Realtors

Sadananda Realtors is a property development Company which is being functioning with an intension of developing residential and commercial projects by considering modern taste and …

2nd Floor Brigade Center Fort Road, Kannur-670001 Kerala, India

Lexus Property Developers Pvt. Ltd.

Lexus aspires to herald a new future in northern Kerala by providing homes andhabitats for businesss to grow. Lexus focuses on real estate development – …

Nikshan Arena, Bank Road, Kannur, Kerala- 670 001, India.